Monday, October 24, 2011


I strongly feel that the legal action initiated against Dr Subramanian Swamy is precise and that he must be arrested under Section 153 (A) of the Indian Penal Code for his "extreme xenophobic right-wing thoughts" which he expressed in an article headlined 'How to wipe out Islamic terror', published in the DNA on 16th July 2011. It’s regrettable that even apparently cultured or educated people like Dr.Swamy overlooked the fact that Muslim community has as much stake as any other in the development, refuge and well being of India as a nation. He has almost directly identified country's Muslims as terrorists. But the fact is, not a single Indian Muslim has ever been convicted on charges of anti national or terrorist activities. It’s difficult to believe that before writing this sensitive article the Harvard-educated economist-politician did not do enough research on India’s Muslims. His article in the DNA reflects his ghetto mindset. It’s clear he is on a communal agenda and attempting to drive a wedge between country’s majority Hindus and largest minority Muslims.
People with such mindset are doing no good to the country or to the society with such discordant expression against a community. Swamy’s irresponsible act has the potential to create a rift between two communities which could trigger big socio-political chaos or even communal unrest in the country.
Muslims have always come forward and have condemned all distasteful incidents as and when it happened. No Muslim organizations has ever supported the terror attacks which were allegedly [alleged by police and Hinduists] engineered by Muslim groups or individuals. But hate-mongering people who conspired and assassinated Mahatma Gandhi and then gleefully boasted their misdeeds are there in the country. These people consider Indian Muslims outsiders and want to throw them out of the country. These fascist people or groups must understand that Muslims like others are not limited or confined to any particular province or district in this country. Muslims constitute nearly one-fifth of India’s population [it’s figure accredited by the international media and other agencies]. They are scattered all over the place and it is impossible to wipe off the entire Muslim population from this country.
These sick minds must understand that just because we are born as Muslim or follow the religion of Islam, our constitutional rights cannot be taken away. Rightfully we are as much Indians as they are. They must understand that by dividing the country on impious grounds they are weakening the core foundations of the country’s establishment. And India can never be a strong nation if it’s biased against minorities. All sections of the society must unite to fulfill the aspirations of an integrated and strong India. If you cannot protect the rights of the minorities, you can no more proclaim that you have an egalitarian and secular society and you live in a ‘united India’.

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