Tuesday, November 23, 2010

It must be noted that Muslims are being forced to choose Mamata Banerjee as their new leader...

West Bengal appears like a heaven to the rest of the country. In fact it is in a shape more dilapidated than one outside the state can imagine. Minorities here face more hostile a government than their counterparts have faced in Gujarat. Compared to Gujarat more people have been killed in Bengal, but unlike Narendra Modi’s government it has not been caught. The law and order situation in Bengal has taken a beating and administrative machinery has been politically and religiously biased.

I am sure you all remember the popular 2002 Gujarat Riots picture of a weeping man with folded hands- appealing to Hindu activists to spare him. The Left Front widely used this picture of the Gujarat-based Bengalee Muslim tailor Qutubuddin Ansari during the 2004 campaign for Assembly elections. Ansari and his picture were used by the Front to seek Muslim votes in Bengal. Then the Front promised to arrange to rehabilitate and help Ansari in the most humane way possible. But as soon as the election was over and Muslims were found to have overwhelmingly voted the Communist coalition to power, the Front literally kicked Ansari out of the state. The poor tailor felt he had been cheated by the Left Front and chose to move back to Gujarat.

Before the last assembly and 2009 general elections, this Left Front government made lots of promises to help the backward Muslim community reintegrate into the mainstream. But as soon as the elections were over it backtracked on its promises.

Some months ago the Left Front government announced reservations for backward sections of the Muslim community. The government took good care so that the news could spread all across the country to boost the image of the “minority caring” government. But few in the country know what happened to the implementation part of the scheme. The government identified some groups among Muslims as backward [OBC] and placed them in the reserved categories. But I can cite at least few thousands of cases in which young students of those OBC Muslim groups in the state have been actually denied the reservation facilities by the communally-biased administrative machineries when they queued up for the certificates. Communally biased bureaucrats and their officers have routinely been rejecting the applications of the poor Muslim students in the districts.

The scheme in fact has turned into a public scam now. It’s like they sold show tickets to public with behind-the-door instructions to gate-keepers to keep the gates closed when the public turned up for the show.

The government should understand that this reservation is an acknowledgement of the plight of a backward community and that it provides a remedial measure to uplift the down-trodden Muslims.

As I pick holes in the functioning of the Left Front government I should not be misconstrued that I appreciate the style of politics or policies adopted by Mamata Banerjee’s party. She is already a powerful union minister and appears set to take power in West Bengal soon. Yet, she has done nothing or hinted to do anything to improve the standard of life of Muslims, apart from resorting to some meaningless or hollow gestures.

She could have done something at least to make people realise that her rule, if she came to power, would be different from that of the present Stalinists. But as she closely follows Brahmanisation of her party, mislead people and indulges in the politicians’ well-known habits of making false promises only with an eye to grab power as quickly as possible, we become sure her rule would not be different from the one by the Front. In fact I am sceptical if she or her party members would even bother to listen to grievances of the Muslims, once she comes to power.

However, Bengal’s Muslims, who repeatedly kept electing the Front to power sees a bigger evil in the Communists, and have for now, decided to stand by Mamata’s TMC. It must be noted that Muslims are being forced to choose Mamata Banerjee as their new leader only because they do not have any other viable option before them at the moment.

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