Saturday, April 17, 2010

the solutions to NAXALISM is not only military but social and economical too

I am no expert on defense or on guerilla warfare nor an ambassador, academician, analyst, or a think-tank but a concerned common man, a sincere citizen of this country and have my own observation in regard to menace called “Naxalism”…

There is no doubt that a movement which used to be a Bihar’s problem in 70’s has taken centre stage and has spread, unfortunately to about 220+ districts out of about 600 in India. In the beginning, the movement reflected the lack of development in remote area of the country where most deprived lived with no roads,schools,hospitals or even no attention, hence the poorest quarters of the state become the breeding hubs for Naxals. It was understandable that being ignored and unconcern, their numbers, anger and distrust towards state grew stronger with every passing day. The negligence for decades has somehow put the enormous pressure on government with a odd problem, which is, to offer development as well as take out the extremist elements in the most extreme circumstances. And in this situation if government exert more violence at places where people are struggling to make ends meet, the more it will be alienated.

In fact more people have died in Naxals attacks then the so called jehadi conspiracies, but a large section of Bajrangi officials, administrators and section of journalists were more concern in maligning follower of a particular religion and witch hunt them rather than work against the real problem of Naxalism in India. Hence a conspirator camouflage by some individuals against fellow citizens is blown with spilling reality out of the dantewada incident. And if 26/11 was a wake up call for the country’s anti terrorism mechanism, the dantewada incident is an eye opener of governments’ deficiencies in tackling the Maoist Challenge.

Thanks to the lethargic leaderships and inattentive successive governments which was busy boasting their political achievements with hollow misleading slogans as India Shinning, Bharat Nirman campaign, and undermining the real danger of Naxalism for years, which has somewhat helped the consolidation of “Naxalism”. And with baiting and wiping out almost the entire company CRPF personnel at Dantewada, they have proved that they are combination of well trained cadres, maneuvering with deadliest precisions and fire powers to destroy even our Mine Protected Vehicles, which further consolidates my fear that it’s a transition in strategy of Naxals from guerrilla to mobile warfare.

But then make no mistake Naxals are no modern day Robin Hood, but extortionist with well oiled economy of extortion, kidnapping, theft and terrorists as circumstances of poverty cannot be an alibi for violence nor be a justification for terror acts. Apart from that, they took advantage of our lack of single minded operations that is lack of co-ordination & co-operation between states against them, jumping between state boundries; they would always cross over to adjoining states after each cowardly act of terrorism. We should not forget that Maoists have wrecked thousands of schools and rural health centre hence it’s not for pro developments demands only.

I suggest a formation of a special force on the lines of Greyhound with younger officers created in each districts with enormous investment in the modernization of wepons, communications transport and supporting technologies at one hand and development in the Maoist affected area with real incentives for the people, with carved out models of Naxal free villages to demonstrate that the state is indeed serious about caring its people, as the solutions is not only military but social and economical too.

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