Monday, November 19, 2018

Jharkhand government has achieved what even the British rule could not !

The Jharkhand government has achieved what even the British rule could not—complete alienation of the tribal population from their land....

They made amendments to the Chota Nagpur Tenancy Act (CNT Act) of 1908 and the Santhal Pargana Tenancy Act (SPT Act) of 1949, passed on November 23 by the Jharkhand Legislature, allow use of tribal land for non-agricultural purposes by the government. Earlier, the government could take over land only for public welfare activities....

Under the #SPT_Act, no transfer of urban or rural land is allowed. It can only be inherited. The #CNT_Act is a little more lenient and allows transfer of land within the same caste and geographical limits, but with the approval of the district collector.

But the new amendments allows the use of agricultural land owned by schedule tribes, schedule castes and other backward castes for industrial and commercial purposes. The addition of Section 21 (B) in the CNT Act and Section 13(A) in the SPT Act by the Amendments allow the state government to frame rules from “time to time” for non-agriculture use of the land in the given geographical areas.....
These arm twisting amendments / changes allow easy transfer of land through the backdoor. “The use of ‘time to time’ wording clearly shows "unrighteous" intention of the state government.....
And the only way to correct this cronyism is to choose the next government in the state wisely ..
