Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Aziz Mubaraki, president of the Sawab Foundation of India, a Kolkata-based NGO that researches Muslim-related issues, is among those who favour rehabilitating people like Majeed.

Just as India has done with ex-Maoist cadres, the government can succeed in reintegrating jihadists who renounce the cause and shun violence and terrorism, he said.

"It's clear that he is disenchanted with the ISIS and returned home voluntarily," Mubaraki told Khabar. "We cannot understand why the authorities cannot help [Majeed] return to the mainstream the same way."

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Personnel interactions between communities is need of the day...

I feel personnel interactions between communities is need of the day because If you only see "News Stories" that present Muslims in a negative light, and you have no personal connection to Muslims to offer a counter narrative or the real picture of what the community feels of these incidents (like the beheading of innocents be it a journalist or an aid worker), I can understand the negative views others holds for muslims....

Compounding this issue is that there are few positive images of Muslims in international(Hollywood) or national(Bollywood) entertainment media....
In fact, the exact opposite is true as both has made millions furthering the worst image of Muslims. And I can tell you firsthand as someone who has pitched film and TV shows that would depict Muslims in a positive light, there’s little appetite in "entertainment world" for such projects....

Friday, September 12, 2014

al-Qaida cannot end up doing any good for India's Muslims, but it could harm them....

AQIS harmful to Indian Muslims

The national secretary of a Muslim cleric organization, the South Asia Ulema Council, Aziz Mubarki, said that Zawahiri’s call in fact poses threats for India’s Muslim youth.

“If al-Qaida begins operating in India, counter-insurgency operations will be more intensive and we shall surely see an increased number of innocent Muslims being picked up as terror suspects. Often they spend years in jails before being acquitted by courts. It will trouble the community miserably,” Kolkata-based Mubarki said to VOA.

He said that al-Qaida cannot end up doing any good for India's Muslims, but it could harm them.

Al-Qaeda has tried in the past and failed to woo Indian Muslim youth !

Aziz Mubarki, national secretary of South Asia Ulema Council in Kolkata, said the al-Qaeda stunt could hurt Indian Muslims, already vulnerable to counterterrorism operations and communal violence.

"If al-Qaeda really spreads its network in India …we shall see an increased number of innocent Muslims suffering in jail," he told Khabar South Asia.

Al-Qaeda has tried in the past and failed to woo disaffected Indian Muslim youth, he said. "In fact, it failed miserably to attract Indian Muslims… This time too Indian Muslim youths will not respond to the call of al-Qaeda, I am sure," Mubarki told Khabar.

In Kashmir, separatists dismissed Zawahiri's statement.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Muslims dont vote as per the dictates of any religious proved !!

During India’s massive democratic exercise that wrapped up this week, many political parties reached out to the country’s nearly 180 million Muslims through MULLAH's in hope of winning their votes.These political parties even sought the endorsement of imams,mufti and other senior clerics who in turn could sway members of their community. But (my NGO) Sawaab Foundation (India) conducted a survey amongst Muslims in the eastern state of West Bengal ( and i am sure the results may not very different, if a similar survey is conducted anywhere else in the country) that may surprise many !
Pls follow the link.....

Saturday, March 29, 2014



The Right-wing parties have been portraying Muslims as ‘outsiders', 'invaders' and 'plunderers’, thereby causing hatred and alienation among India’s Hindu citizens. This false propaganda tactics of the Desi Nazis are also creating a fear psychosis in the majority community.

The Hindutva parties have been successful in their agenda of vilifying all minority welfare schemes as ‘appeasement of Muslims’ which has caused huge setback to the process of integration of the mostly backward community to the mainstream society in India. This willful campaign by Hindutvavadis has also forced the country’s policy makers taking a defensive and a very cautious positioning lest they be accused of indulging in vote-bank politics.

The Bhagwa elements which have infiltrated in the entire system have also succeeded in their mission to erase from the public memory the indispensible contribution by the Muslims in the freedom struggle of India and this has given a chance to the ‘pseudo-nationalists’ to question the patriotism and the loyalties of the Indian Muslims. Needless to say that any minority community, whose loyalties to the nation are under suspicion, cannot claim rights equal to those of the ‘patriotic’ majority community.

This sorry state of Indian politics of sidelining the Muslims goes back to the early days of our nationhood when an eyewash treatment was meted out to the great freedom fighter Maulana Abul Kalam Azad.

The Muslims have often been handed out lollipops in the form of rubber-stamp presidents and vice presidents, and even this symbolic gesture of appointment of Muslim presidents- which in no way brought any real benefit to the minority community, has been viewed as appeasement of Muslims by the Hindutvabadi people.

The objective of the divisive campaign by the Hindutvabadi forces is to create fear psychosis among people and cause further polarisation in the society so that votes of the majority Hindu community can be consolidated. The hullabaloo over the special status to Kashmir, 1984 Sikh genocide, 2002 state sponsored massacre of Muslims in Gujarat, portrayal of Muslims as traitors and terrorists, accusing the secular parties of indulging in ‘appeasement politics’ are the parts of the foul strategy of the Saffron forces to hamper the social and economic development of Muslims. Their aim is to annihilate the political might of the Muslims and finally marginalise or maim them in the society.

Unless a Muslim is made the head of the state, the Indian securalism cannot boast of coming of age. All the ethnic, religious and linguistic minorities should be made equal partners in the policy-making process of the country. Otherwise the claim that India is a great democracy will remain disputed. Appointing a Muslim as a PM nominee will be the best celebration of our secular ethos envisaged by the founding fathers of our constitution.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

“Up to 98% of the Muslim men arrested are found innocent by the courts...


“A possible apology, the BJP president is talking about holds no importance amongst Muslims. In fact, it’s kind of a ploy to divide the Muslim votes so that the community cannot unite and support a party or alliance that can keep BJP out of power.

“However, this attempt of a calculated apology makes it evident that at least some BJP leaders have come to realise that they had committed sinful crime by inciting majority Hindus against minority Muslims in Gujarat and other states in several occasions.

“BJP president says that Muslims should give his party a chance this time. But the Muslims indeed gave them a chance.

“Despite BJP took the key role in the barbaric vandalisation of the Babri Mosque, in 1998, Muslims lent their support to the party to form the national government. But, when the BJP-led alliance was in power in the Parliament, we saw the ghastly anti-Muslim riot in BJP-ruled state of Gujarat. Then we also witnessed a dramatic increase in number of Muslims being targeted in fake encounters and fabricated terror cases.

“Up to 97% or 98% of the Muslim young men who were arrested in terrorism cases across the country have now been found innocent by the courts...

We must not forget that the BJP is the political wing of the Hindu right wing organization RSS- which is rabidly anti-Muslim in nature...