Friday, August 23, 2013

Co-operation not jingoism is the key to peace & prosperity in the region …..

Some Sixty-five years ago, an undivided nation was carved out into two indistinguishable nations, India and Pakistan. This was indeed a winding up gesture by an indolent empire, in its period of decline. As Apart from many other reasons World War II had broken the pecuniary standing of British Empire making it almost obligatory for the British policy makers to let go of India, for their own good. But this division on the map led to mass exodus across the newly formed border. Families were set-apart, precious land was left behind. Strenuous journey to the new countries began with zilch, but with a hope for a better prospect, and the Mephistophelean bloodshed between all sides made it a tart memory for most that still live on.

Movement across the border was comparatively easy in the initial years till the war of 1965, which was a result of the botched attempt by Pakistan’s “Operation Gibraltar”, launched in August 1965, according to which Pakistan Army's 50th Airborne paratroopers and Pakistan Army's guerrillas, infiltrated into Jammu and Kashmir (yes, don’t be surprised Kargil was not the first goof up), disguised as locals with the intention of fomenting an insurgency among Kashmirs. However, the strategy went wonky from the beginning as it was not well-synchronized and the infiltrators were soon found that led to the first war between neighbours. After 1971, the trust insufficiency plunged even lower. Due to seclusion from each other and misinformation vending by hawks on either side, generations of Pakistanis and Indians have hated each other.

Despite it all, the sane population on both sides are favoring the meeting between Mr. Singh and Mr. Shareef that is tipped to happen in the U S soon. It is undisputable that nothing significant has come out in the past and I am not sure what else is going to come, if the meeting goes ahead. But as Mr. Nawaz Shareef made some token gesture that he means peace, and we should be exploiting it to our advantage.

whatever the outcome we must give peace a chance and engage in dialogues with the same neighbor we fought wars with, the same neighbor that media likes to label as our adversary, the same neighbor who has these days again taken prime seat as our enemy number one, while the “land grabbing” China and “Tamil killers” Sri Lankans shuffle along on second and third place. And for this accomplishment, along with giving credit to some of the politicians on both sides and their blemished policies, we must also pay tribute to the media on both sides. For nothing impacts people’s feelings faster than a clip on television showing the evil Pakistani shelling and how it is out to get us - vulnerable Indians.

In fact there are two ways to easily gather a crowd and a following in this country- one way is to promote uniting for someone or something, the other way is to unite against someone or something – unfortunately, the latter strategy seems to work improved than the former when it comes to our masses. Unite against some corruption, unite against rapes, unite against the mafia, unite against human Right Violations, against a politician – against America, against China and most importantly, against Pakistan.

Unfortunately, the discourse on Pakistan-India relations has been held hostage, since Independence, by military and militants from there and fundamentalists and hawks in India. It’s time we figure out which direction we want to walk towards. We cannot be advocating dialogue between the two nations during the evening bulletin and then preachify hate later at night during talk shows. If our media has collectively decided to be the more responsible one in this clash, then it should remain determined instead of joining the war-mongering bandwagon. When pointing fingers across the television screens at our neighbor, we must remain alert about our own response as well. Where a large chunk of our media outlets have been praised for their mature reaction compared to their counterpart, some of our “news” channels couldn't help flare up the issue further either? And this recipe could turn more disastrous than profitable in the long run. A tit for tat with the counterpart is no reason to brainwash millions into believing that all their troubles begin and end with Pakistan. Both nations are nuclear powers - one hopes any media, person, institution or group that calls for war or even casually mentions it’s possibility, also realizes the consequences of one in this day and era.

I firmly believe that the only way for normalization in relations between the two countries is through continuation of dialogues and people-to-people contacts. It is time that we move on, towards a pleasurable future and learn to cohabitate with our neighbors. It is also essential that the budget we have been spending on our defence purposes for the last 65 years should be diverted towards public developmental strategies. The common man won’t gain from petty politics or hostilities; hence why fill his mind with those notions when instead we could be uniting for some semblance of peace.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Not ideology but pragmatic politics shall help resolve Kashmir crises...

It is difficult to envision that Kashmir, one of the most stunning places on earth, populated by peaceful inhabitants, can become the fillet of disputation between two countries, undoubtedly because of some snooty politicians on either side; who tried to divide the region on the basis of their expediency. But factually, the reason behind the unvarying friction between India & Pakistan is more political than anything that’s made to believe by either side.

Kashmir, as we know is a 222,236 sq km region in the northwestern Indian subcontinent, and is surrounded by China in the northeast, the Indian states of Himachal Pradesh and Punjab in the south, by Pakistan in the west, and by Afghanistan in the northwest. The region has been dubbed “disputed territory” between two neighboring countries, India and Pakistan since the painful partition of India in 1947. The southern and southeastern parts of the region make up the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir, while the northern and western parts are controlled by Pakistan. A border called the Line of Control (agreed to in 1972) divides the two parts.

But it is equally important to know that the eastern area of Kashmir comprising the northeastern part of the region (Aksai Chin) is under the control of China since 1962, and not much has been done to recover the lost ground. The predominant religion in the Jammu area is Hinduism in the east and Islam in the west. Islam is also the main religion in the Kashmir valley and the Pakistan-controlled (Pakistan Occupied Kashmir or PoK) area, which they prefer to call as ‘Azaad Kashmir”, but it’s a matter of a separate debate as to how “Azaad” (free) that part of Kashmir is?

The conflict in Kashmir started soon after the partition of India in 1947 almost immediately after the decision where the State of Jammu & Kashmir acceded to India. And as Pakistan was also a claimant to the ownership of Kashmir, soon a war (1947-48) for its control started, thus dividing “Picturesque Kashmir” between Pakistan and Indian administered territorial dominion. A ceasefire line was agreed too under UN supervision, which has since been renamed as ‘Line of Control’. According to which one third of the territory has since been administered by Pakistan, while the remainder is administered by India that includes the Kashmir Valley as well.

But hostility did not end despite the set-up of the United Nations Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan (UNCIP), where the UN Security Council passed two resolutions for the same. But then again, India and Pakistan were at war for Kashmir in 1965 and 1999. To further complicate matters in the region, the border with China also remains disputed as India does not recognize the border established after war between India and China in 1962. And it is no secret that China has habitually and diplomatically been an ally and has favored Pakistan in the past. And with recent Intrusion of about 50 PLA troopers ten miles inside Daulat Baig Oldi is a clear and blatant act of violation of international border. This is not the first time that China has betrayed its lurking desire of coveting more and more territories contiguous to its borders. This is the old time habit of the authorities in Beijing to nibble at the borders and create unusual situation. Their patent methodology is to make swift intrusion, paint stones and boulders red and inscribe China on them, destroy Indian symbols if any close by and leave the site. But in the present incursion in Daulat Baig Oldi conducted on 15 of April, the Chinese pitched tents and established military posts ten miles inside the Indian Territory. They marked the boulders red with China inscribed on them. Some Chinese helicopters were also seen flying over the scene of intrusion apparently to provide cover to the intruding Chinese troops. On learning about the intrusion, Indian army dispatched troops to the spot and asked the adversary to send their representative for a flag meeting between the commanders. As usual, the Chinese side claimed the territory as their own and did not show willingness to have a look at the map and the documents related to the ground position.

But this is not the first incursion of its kind. It is the repetition of a well calculated policy of China to disturb normalcy on Sino-Indian border whether in Ladakh or in the Eastern sector of Sino-Indian border. We know that China has developed highly effective network of border roads and connectivity besides the rail link to Lhasa in Tibet. China has the ambitious plan of building railway line along the Karakorum Highway connecting her Xingjian province to Pakistan and finally through Pakistan to Gawadar sea port on the Makran coast in Arabian Gulf! Perception after the fact shows that the essential purpose of these intrusions is to test India’s military competence of defending the forward posts. The Chinese know that after every intrusion, Indians would call for flag meeting, debate the issue, promise restoration of normalcy and put a lid on the boiling pot till it is forgotten and the Chinese remain in occupation under the frequently repeated but seldom honored pretext of withdrawing from the intruded areas. India side, feeling shy of talking to Chinese in a language which they would identify with, have been found playing down the incidents and calling if faceoff with the Chinese. Even in this case as well, the Indian side has termed it faceoff and has expressed the hope that tension will die down and normalcy will return. Nobody has tried to assess how far the Chinese have kept such promises in the past and what inference we need to draw from our past experience. Will a day dawn when India’s apologetic stance will be reversed and practical politics takes its natural course in India’s foreign policy?

But then Chinese oft-intrusions and Indian military competence is the matter of a separate debate, and therefore coming back to the primary issue, the apparent irreconcilable territorial claims in Kashmir. There seems no immediate conclusion to this contravention! India and Pakistan both are nuclear powers now the stakes in this conflict are of grave prognosis with global significance. As it holds the potential for local violence to spark into larger conflicts is very high. It’s a realizable truth that Kashmir problem has consumed thousands of lives and has damaged every aspect of Kashmiri society; thousands have died while hundreds are missing. But irrespective of its disastrous results, there are distractions that urgently need sane advice to save Kashmir. Primarily, an intellectually mature response of Kashmiri masses and its leaders towards the Kashmir problem shall not be advantageous to Kashmir only, but it shall also save human lives, money and energy of India, Pakistan and other nations. The concern governments must take into account that imprudent mindset shall not bring any positive result. They must learn from their mistakes and highlight the counterproductive results of ill-advised practices and initiative ‘Confidence Building Measures” that certainly shall bring peace; harmony, development and may help in solving the ethical crisis of present Kashmiri society.

Although it is easier for political leaders to earn brownies over their opponent’s inaptness that may help them accumulate votes and remain in power. But it shall be good for both the countries to talk less on Kashmir and more for the well beings of the people of both the nations. There should not be any point of divergence between the two neighbor countries that were once a part of an undivided India. The people of both the nations are alike in appearance, language, culture, customs, mode of thinking, and even in ethics of religion, even though the religion of the majority community is different. But then both the religions believe in the welfare of the common people- to help the poor in distress, to help the victim in danger and to do prayer to Al-mighty almost every day for the good of mankind.

Perhaps, now the time has come to settle the dispute forever as the occupation of Kashmir by force is nothing but to welcome the animosity. A country big or small is impossible to acquire by force in the 21st century, whereas nothing stands impossible for the people provided the feelings of brotherhood, neighborhood, and zeal of oneness is intact!

Therefore it is important for the neighbours to realize the ground realities and work on creating political consensus in their respective countries that may pave the path for fruitful dialogue and resolution to many issues that may include Kashmir as well. It is very important to also involve Kashmiris in these talks and accept them as stakeholders. And the best way ahead shall be to have more pragmatic approach towards the crises and exchange mutual views to enhance good relations and be more accommodating keeping the point of dispute of Kashmir or Mumbai detached primarily.

Although it is imperative for Pakistan to realize that Indian government has no power to alter anything of Kashmir, an integral part of India without the consent of the people of India. Similarly India must acknowledge that Pakistan government cannot do anything against the leaders of terrorists without the support of “majority mass”, the people of Pakistan. Pakistan Government knows its deficiency when the world body says Pakistan is the epic-center of terrorism. But despite knowing the terrorist activities of Pakistan, United States of America are not going away from Pakistan or against Pakistan rather United State is interested in sharing the difficulties with Pakistan. India also should share the difficulties of Pakistan in the process of tackling the terrorists in Pakistan soil. A mutual understanding is bound to increase the neighborly relations- the ultimate of which will nullify the terrorist activity and bring a permanent peace in Kashmir and in the region as well.

The two neighbors must move forward for the sake of peace and stability in the region, work together as cohort to root out terrorism. There is now a dire and immediate need to change old mindsets of hollow rhetoric and give way to a new and progressive thought. Both Pakistan and India need to avoid shortsighted policies for short-term political gains, which have resulted in poisoning their relations in the past and the present. Now it is time to turn their attention towards the gigantic task of eradicating poverty and raising the standard of living of the vast mass of their peoples living below the poverty line.

While realizing this goal will not be easy, given the past history of mutual distrust between India, Pakistan and the Kashmiri’s however if the issue is to be earnestly resolved there is no substitute for political will on all sides. Attempts at building trust, would be the first foundational step on setting out on the path for resolving what has been possibly the longest and maybe the bloodiest running disputes in the world.

Thursday, April 11, 2013


“So long as you do not achieve social liberty, whatever freedom is provided by the law is of no avail to you.” B.R.Ambedkar, these were the words of Dr Ambedkar as India adopted its Constitution. What would he have made of the state of India today?

India is hailed as the world’s largest and most vibrant democracy. The world is full of praise for the rule of law and democratic freedoms that are enjoyed only by India in its neighborhood. But I believe that democracy in our country is failing fast, as 65 years of democracy has failed to improve the lives of the masses in here. India has comprehensively under-achieved on all fronts; all that has changed is the skin-colour of the looters. Any criminal in the country can conduct in elections and the biggest part is that they win and become our MLAs, MPs and Ministers.

It was regrettable to see (on TV) the vandalism that occurred outside the district magistrate’s bungalow and circuit house in Berhampore a few week back, after the Minister of State for Railways, Adhir Ranjan Choudhury gave a call to gherao the official residence of the same. Mr.Chowdhary is a central minister and this sort of behavior is neither appreciable nor acceptable from someone who holds such a dignified position. The vandalism of a government vehicle and the breaking of flower pots and furniture by congress workers outside the district magistrate’s residence were not only undemocratic but also a penal offence! If a central minister like Choudhury is seen pretermit such behavior then offender and troublers in our society will fell inspired to coddle in anti social actions.

But this deplorable behavior doesn’t seem to be restricted to any particular party or a state this has been the phenomenon throughout the country across party line. Almost all state governments show less respect for the law and public view too often. Some chief ministers act decidedly against anyone who raises oppugn or satirize against no matter even if he is as harmless as a cartoonist or a poor cultivator.

And with so the Successive governments have let down its people, both at the Centre and in the states. Poverty, ill health, sanitation, lack of housing, schools, food, water and dignity remain the main reality for most Indians. The State has become autocratic and we all remember how two young girls were arrested for a Facebook remark, whereas most of the tyrannous ministers got away with the most inflammatory speeches with action to reaction theory’s leading to the deaths of thousands in successive riots and pogroms in Gujarat or highly derogatory remarks by a deputy Chief minister of Maharashtra equaling water with urine recently.

A cartoonist, a professor or a doctor who merely claim their rights of free speech find themselves in jail when ministers who are accused of looting thousands of crores from the people and the land find themselves with tickets for Subsequent elections. Some Industrialists who poison the land and our waters are given “Life Time Accomplishment Awards” by the some of the same rapscallions who cheat the people. The situation is such that we can lose all our earning not in gambling or at race course but in Hospitals, by paying for carrying on diverse tests whether essential or not for diagnosing an illness, and for the 5-star comfort they try to sell.

We are required to pay for the use of Road even after paying Road Tax, Duties and taxes on vehicles we possess and for the fuel we use for running the vehicle. Where we are heading? What is the definition of a country now - Is it the geographical area with boundaries or perhaps people controlling that area? Each geographical area is being divided now -districts in to 2 districts, States in to 2-3 states all in the name of peoples aspirations, good governance , small is beautiful and the gravity for their province rather the love for the nation and that is leading to dividing the country.
Undoubtly it takes time for a society to evolve, thousands of years of monarchy & then colonial rule, all have oppressed people to evolve as rational & loud citizens. I felt this heat personally after 26/11 where I think we saw first time such an impulsive reaction from laymen, after our independence movement. Similarly we witnessed people outrage over cases like Priyadarshini mattu, Jessica Lal, Nitish Katara, Ruchika and most recently the Delhi rape case I believe this to be growing awareness of common people towards domineering deeds; powerlessness of the Government's or others ! But then what’s the remedy to bring back things on track?

Here I completely agree with Press Council of India, Chairman, Justice Markanedya Katju who while addressing a symposium on "Reporting Terror: How Sensitive is the media?” organized by English daily 'The Hindu'. Said "Whenever a bomb blast occurs or such incident takes place, within an hour or so many TV channels start showing that an email or sms has come from the Indian Mujahideen, JeM or Harkatuljihad-e-Islam, or some Muslim name, claiming responsibility," Katju added."An email or sms could be sent by any mischievous person. But when your start screening this on TV and next day in print, the certain message you (read media) are sending is that all Muslims are terrorists and they having nothing to do except to throw bombs....You are demonizing the entire Muslim community and promoting communalism, “he added “Is this the responsible behavior of the media? I think it is totally irresponsible behavior which is promoting communalism in the country. This is very bad”. And any sane individual shall not disagree with Justice Katju that a speedy germination of an unbiased communication technology & media can help democracy to move towards maturity with a great pace.

But then whatever the conclusion be, If this is not wake up time then I am afraid there won’t be one and in time we shall loose the very meaning of brotherhood, communal harmony and above all our democracy….

Monday, February 25, 2013


To understand global terrorism and the current global obsession with terrorism, we have to go back to the history and study how the Americans have been playing a key role in helping terrorism flourish across the world. When during the Cold War Soviet Union attacked Afghanistan,the US - which had long been calling the shots from behind, came to the forefront, and launched a massive support and training campaign for the Afghan freedom fighters. Soon, the "mujahedeen" (holy warriors) were born and became well-known across the world.
We have not forgotten how the US encouraged the Mujahedeen in their fight against the Soviet forces. President Reagan on March 21, 1983 said: “To watch the courageous Afghan freedom fighters battle modern arsenals with simple hand-held weapons is an inspiration to those who love freedom.”

When the People’s Democratic Party of Afghanistan, a pro-Soviet party, took control of Afghanistan, Mujahedeen resistance spread. As Mujahedeen groups broke apart into different factions, the CIA tended to favour the most extreme among the Mujahedeen commanders. The US intelligence agency ensured that the most fanatical anti-Soviet groups were also the best trained and armed for the guerrilla warfare. It’s history now how the Mujahedeen were financed, armed and trained by the US during the administrations of Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan. Pakistan's secret service, Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), was used as a liaison group by the US, in attempt to keep the American action as secret as possible.

Saddam Husain was the creation by the US. President Ronald Reagan initiated a strategic opening to Iraq, signing a National Security Decision Directive and selecting Donald Rumsfeld as his emissary to Hussein, whom he visited in December 1983 and March 1984. United States actively supported the Iraqi war effort by supplying the Iraqis with billions of dollars of credits, by providing U.S. military intelligence and advice to the Iraqis, and by closely monitoring third country arms sales to Iraq to make sure that Iraq had the military weaponry required. In 1982, Iraq was removed from a list of State Sponsors of Terrorism to ease the transfer of dual-use technology to that country. But by then [in 1980] Saddam had already been made an honorary citizen of Detroit.

But By this time the world changed and the international financial institutions such as the World Trade Organisation (WTO), the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank through their Structural Adjustment Programs was able to do officially and openly what in previous decades had to be done through the CIA, the Marines, or hired armed force. The domination of American entrepreneurship and its industrialised allies had reached record levels without the unpleasantness of direct military intervention.

And Saddam’s Iraq, was the only Arab state to fundamentally resist such trends, the only Arab nation to combine a sizable educated population, large oil resources, and adequate water supplies, thereby making it possible for Baghdad to maintain a truly autonomous foreign and domestic strategy. Even twelve years of cruel sanctions could not depose the government or make the establishment more willing to collaborate with Washington’s tactical and financially viable agenda. As a result, the United States felt obliged to revert to cruder forms of intrusion in Iraq.
Osama bin Laden- who was once a prominent Mujahedeen leader in Afghanistan, too benefited a lot from the hospitality extended by the Americans in the beginning of his guerrilla life.

In fact in Obama, people of all faith saw not just the historic election of a Black man in America, but the hope, the possibility, that he would be different from his presidential predecessors. We all believed, as Nelson Mandela had done in post-apartheid South Africa, Obama would use diplomacy instead of bombs, to bring peace. But he has used violence and has ended up creating much bigger chaos. The popular perception today is that even he is arrogant- very much like his predecessors and his country is a self-appointed global police, even if it is sometimes under the cover of NATO or this or that coalition.

If we just examine the Egyptian revolt as it snowballed from the beginning , it becomes clear why people feel the way they do. US government financed Egyptian leader Hosni Mubarak for three long decades, turned heads on his abuses of power and the people, then initially announced US help for him until it became clear that the Egyptians weren’t having it. In other words, America just cannot continue to claim they believe in democracy in America, while simultaneously condoning and aiding the opposite in other countries.

I believe it is for that reason Mr. Obama was given, extremely prematurely, a Nobel Peace Prize just a mere 9 months into his presidency. The feeling, perhaps very naively, was that he would transform America, and the world. But he disappointed us all.

In spite of Bin Laden’s murder, violence, war, and terrorism are not over, not by a long stretch. None of that will end until the US help make those things end. Their current mindset and foreign policy approach will only lead to more death of young soldiers from the US and other countries, more attacks on Americans at home and abroad. And the entire world, including us, will be perpetually distrustful, forever looking over our shoulders and living a life in fear, that fear framed by metal detectors, security cameras, and sharp glances at people who appear to be different in anyway.

Americans thinks that other nations, or terrorists, or this or that enemy, are simply picking on them because of their “freedoms.” But There are enough articles, blogs, books, and documentary films out there, if one actually cares to research American history and American foreign policy, to let one know they’ve been, on numerous occasions, as violent toward others as others have been toward them.

America should know that it can never change the world, until it changes its own way...

Monday, February 18, 2013


THE high-profile case of the Indian Parliament Attack saw its apparent end with the execution of Afzal Guru in Delhi’s high security Tihar jail last fortnight. Hanging of Guru did not matter much to the Muslims who are often branded anti-national and gibbeted everyday despite being staunchly patriotic as others. Muslims in India have faced gross discrimination and have remained neglected for years now. No political party has ever tried to sincerely pay heed to the grievances of this largest minority community. Only during the pre-election period some leaders pretend that they care for the Muslims. Even a section of the media uses hollow rhetoric and jingoism targeting the Muslims on different issues, and they wrongly believe that they are performing a patriotic duty.

It is important to recall and realize that not even once ordinary Muslim citizens of India have supported terrorists or have been found to be involved in such nefarious activities. In the past one or two decades intelligence agencies enthusiastically arrested few thousands of Muslim youths accusing them in scores of terrorist attacks. Some were branded as masterminds of the attacks by the agencies and in several media trials they were routinely found guilty of the attacks. Thousands of Muslims remain confined and detained all over the country on fictitious terrorism charges, concocted by the (communally-biased)prosecution.

But thankfully the judiciary- that has remained unbiased considerably, apart from acquitting nearly all innocent Muslim youths, scolded police and other investigating agencies for framing the innocent Muslims. Legal experts surveying the terrorism cases involving Muslim youths say that the rate of acquittal of the Muslim youths in the past has been as high as 99%- clearly highlighting the bias Muslim youths face in prosecution. For Muslims life has been like that since long, irrespective of which party rules the country.

It is crucial to understand the approach of television news anchors who have effectively managed to drive personal viewpoint into news, and rubbish all rational voices that seek answers to complex cases including terrorist attacks. News channels are supposed to report the news, not give their editorial comments and restrict contrary voices from giving their views. Journalists must understand they are not elected by citizens or shareholders, but are accountable to the people whose trust in the accuracy and integrity that enables their work unfortunately much of this has now been squandered and history shall stand to mock them if they don’t make their style more ethical quickly to put things right.

Prosecution often brand the accused Muslim youths as “dreaded terrorists” and routinely pile cooked-up evidences against them. When these cases are heard in courts of law, the prosecution fails to prove the allegations they leveled against these innocent Muslim youths. However, after suffering confinement and disgrace for as long as 20 years, the best years of the life of the arrested youths get exhausted. Their friends and relatives shun them and their families suffer terrible devastation and trauma. And, the innocent youths, after coming out of jail face a bleak future.

Sadly the penetration of communal elements into police and intelligence agencies is responsible for all the excruciation faced by the innocent Muslim youths in terror-related cases. It indeed brings shame to the law enforcement structure of the country. As falsely the Muslim youths are framed in the cases, the real culprits of most terror activities wander freely. There is also a tendency among the investigative agencies to choose and fix some suitable ‘scapegoats’ and declare a case solved- to cover up someone else’s crime directly or indirectly and to willfully target Muslim youth in the cases. Such wrongful arrests have the potential to alienate Muslim youths in the society.

It is imperative to know Indian Muslims are as patriotic as any other stakeholder to this country and rarely will you find a Muslim being convicted in any terrorist or anti national activity by the court and that’s proof enough for the said disputation. Therefore it is earnestly anticipated from the people sitting at helm in corridors of power, civil society and media barons to take a realistic and positive approach towards this alienation of Muslims in Indian society as weak minority shall make a weaker nation.

A small list of cases in which Muslims had been framed by the prosecution, but judiciary acquitted them:

In Hyderabad the 7th Metropolitan Sessions Judge Radha Krishna threw out the case and acquitted all the accused. He said that the prosecution had failed to bring any evidence to prove the charges against them.

1.Md.Abdul Sattar (In Cherlapally Jail) Arrested on 15/06/2007

2.Md.Abdul Kareem Qadri @ Karem (In Cherlapally Jail) Arrested on 15/06/2007

3.Masood Ahamed (In Cherlapally Jail) Arrested on 4/09/2007

4.Arshad Khan @ Fayaz Khan Arrested on 4/09/2007

5.Md.Naseeruddin @Fayaz Khan Arrested on 4/09/2007

6.Md.Abdul Raheem @ Raheem Arrested on 4/09/2007

7.Syed Abdul Qader @Imran Arrested on 4/09/2007

8.Shaik Mohammed Faredd @ Ali Pasha Arrested on 4/09/2007

9.Gulam Aslam Siddiqui Arrested on 4/09/2007

10.Syed Abdul Sami (Absconding)

11.Md.Abdul Kareem@ Anwar Arested on 8/9/2007

12.Syed Zulfiqar Ahamed@ Ifteqar (Absconding)

13.Md.Abdul Wajeed. Arrested on 8/9/2007

14.Abdul Wase Arrested on 8/9/2007

15.Mohd Abdul Majid B/O SHAHED BILAL Arrested on 27/9/2007

16.Mohd Rayees Uddin Arrested on 6/9/2007

17.Md.Mustafa Ali Arrested on 6/9/2007

18.Ibrahim Ali Junaid Arrested on 8/9/2007

19.Mohtashim Billa S/O MOULANA ABDUL ALEEM ISLAHI Arrested on 6/3/2008

20.Gulam Hasan Siddique (Absconding)

21.Md.Shakeel .Arrested on 27/9/2007

In Ahmadabad On Jun 11, 2009 , ( 11/ahmedabad/28193522_1_acquits-jihadi-charge-sheet) the Additional Sessions Judge IB Waghela acquitted Kari Mufidul Islam Shaikh along with city-based youths Ilyas Memon and Siraj Ansari some three years after the city crime branch had booked them for “sheltering jehadi terrorists and conspiring to avenge 2002 riots”. The judge held that there was no evidence against them to establish their involvement in terrorist activities.

Finally compensation for 70 Muslims youth ( who were arrested in connection with Mecca Masjid Blast and later released by court as there were no evidence against them. Perhaps this will be the first instance in India when a Government will give compensation to falsely arrested people for terrorism.

Police must ensure that no innocent person has the feeling of sufferance only because “my name is Khan, but I am not a terrorist,” a Bench of Justices H.L. Dattu and C.K. Prasad said ( It ordered the acquittal of 11 persons, arrested under the Terrorist and Disruptive Activities (Prevention) Act and other laws, and convicted for allegedly planning to create communal violence during the Jagannath Puri Yatra in Ahmadabad in 1994.

In a separate case a principal district judge GN Patel acquitted Firoz alias Abdullah Ghaswala fromMumbai, Mohammed Ali alias Ubaidullah Chhipa, Vakil Ahmed Saiyed and Umar Farooq Shaikh from Ahmedabad, Anisul alias Mursalim alias Sujoy alias Ashiq Bari and his brother Muhibul alias Mushtaqim Bari from Bangladesh( All the six were booked by ATS, then headed by DG Vanzara (who was suspended and is now in jail), in May 2006 for conspiracy, waging war against nation and possession of explosive substance. They were accused of going to Pakistan to receive training from Lashkar-e-Taiba commander Azam Chima. Upon returning from the neighbouring country, they were planning to blow up Kandla pipeline, Somnath temple and Sabarmati overbridge besides the offices of RSS, VHP and Bajrang Dal, the prosecution alleged.

And 14 Muslim youths were arrested following the serial bomb blasts in Jaipur on 13th May2008.(, All 14 were acquitted by the Rajasthan High Court on 9th December, 2011 .

Sunday, February 3, 2013

The Controversy surrounding Kamal Hassan’s “Vishwaroopam”….

Kamal Hassan’s recently-released Vishwaroopam has landed in a big controversy in Tamil Nadu and the film has been slapped a two-week ban in his home state Tamil Nadu few days ago. It is alleged that as the subject of the film deals with the world favorite topic these days i.e., “Islamic Terrorism” and that the main villain in the movie is named Omar (many refers it to Taliban’s Mullah Omar), the Muslims have protested against the release of the film in the state. And now, there is a rumour that even Uttar Pradesh is set to ban the movie soon because, the authorities there think that it had the potential to hurt Muslim emotion there.

A handful of men who are driven by their own political interest are appearing before the media apparently as the representatives of the community. What these men are saying about the film before the media are not always enough what Muslim masses think about it. It is of utmost importance that we offer the Muslim viewpoint on the entire subject. Most of the people protesting against the film have not seen the film as it is not released there as yet. But on the basis of whatever little we have read about the film, we are sure that the movie is based on terrorism, and “Al Qaida” does form an integral part of the storyline with ‘Omar” as one of the evil protagonists. Now the issue is: is the name of Omar or the interwoven reference to Al Qaida or the terrorist shown offering namaaz or reading the Quran objectionable? No absolutely not. It is no secret that Al Qaida is an Islam-based organization which has indulged in evil activities, and in that case it should not be bothersome to us at all.

Just like all members of the groups that killed Mahatma Gandhi, Indira Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi happened to be Hindus and Sikhs. But we can never say that all Hindus or Sikhs are terrorists. There are noble and evil people existing in all communities. However, in recent times Islamic Terrorism has become the favorite topic with the film-makers globally.

But then there are other angles to the controversy as well which are equally important to be mentioned here. As some say the trouble started brewing earlier when Kamal Hassan’s big gamble to screen the film simultaneously on (Direct to Home) DTH services came to the limelight. Apparently, he struck a deal with several DTH operators which would have made it possible to screen Vishwaroopam on DTH on the same day as its theatrical release. As soon as one leading distributor came to know about Kamal Hassan’s new distribution model, he alerted other theatre owners across Tamil Nadu. Others put in that Kamal Hassan declined the copyrights offer from a famous south Indian satellite channel, thus antagonizing some powerful people in Tamil Nadu. There is a third version too that goes like on December 30 at a function down south Kamal Hassan admired Mr.P.Chidambaram’s efficiency as a politician and said that he was fit to become the prime minister of the country. Although how efficient Mr Chidambaram would be as the PM is a subject for a bigger debate, the fact is the comment by Mr Hassan has certainly not gone down well with some powerful politicians on the other side.

But whatever the reasons be, the community feels in the absence of proper leadership amongst the Muslims, they are made scapegoats in all cases and have turned as the favorite punching bag for the pseudo-nationalists who tend to undermine the glaring fact that no religious community is synonymous with terrorism and so the Muslims must not be seen through the prejudiced spectrum as some filmmakers and others are doing.

There have been incidents where a colonel-ranking Hindu officer was found ganging up with some Hindu religious people in terrorist attacks against Muslim targets by India’s National Investigation Agency. In many attacks those terrorists, who included even one Hindu nun, interestingly posed as Muslims, I wonder, why no filmmaker has shown interest in this subject of Hindu terrorism as yet. Frankly speaking many films have been made on Islamic terrorism and the theme has become hackneyed. On the other hand, Hindu terrorism ( is rather new and films based on this theme could be very interesting, I think....

Please follow the link to talk show (I attended) on NDTV INDIA's Prime Time of 31/01/2013 on the same issue....

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Muslim legislator comes under fire for "hate speech"

Aziz Mubaraki, a spokesman of the Tipu Sultan mosque in Kolkata, told Khabar, "Muslim society does not need political leaders like Owaisi. We need leaders who will take the community forward by building good relations with Hindus, Christians and others.

"This man thrives in keeping Muslims backward and in a state of conflict."