Saturday, March 26, 2011

We (Muslims) have always asserted that we will abide by the court verdict

Just because the people of India have remained cool after the court verdict does not mean that the verdict is justified and correct. When mythology and "faith" of the majority take precedence over legal propriety and hard evidence, then how much conviction can the judgement carry? And if the Hindu claims were correct, why give one-third land to the Waqf Board - consolation prize?

Over the years we (Muslims) have always asserted that we will abide by the court verdict. What about the other side? Again and again we have heard that either the Court decides in favour of Ram Janmasthan otherwise they will assert that the Court can't decide on matters of faith. No wonder the judges have kept in mind the intransigent approach of the saffron brigade while delivering their verdict.

It is very unfortunate and I feel it's equally a black day as December 6, 1992. They demolished a structure on that fateful day and these Judges broke my faith in capabilities of our Judiciary on September 30, 2010.

Despite provocation at many places, such as distributing sweets, sounding fire crakers and Even showing disrespect to holy book Quran by tearing and inscripting it with Jai Shri Ram, Muslims all over India has kept quite as we fear that a decision based on reason, law and hard evidence might have led to communal riots and ultimately muslims would have faced the blunt again!!!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Minority Muslims have got caught in a real dilemma over which party they would vote for this time.

The Alliance between the Trinamool Congress (TMC) and the All India National Congress (Cong I) is now through in west Bengal with TMC contesting about 228 seats while congress will fight on 65 constituencies. But it must be noted that the performance of the Congress at the centre has so far proved impotent in controlling skyrocketing prices of essential commodities. It has also been found that many heavyweights either from the congress or the ruling alliance of UPA were on headlines for all the wrong reasons, denting the image of the party.

Many find the price rise and numerous scams as the biggest negative achievements of the Congress-led UPA in recent months. It is in this Congress era that India have witnessed increased cases of harassment of dynamic and qualified Muslim young citizens by country's security agencies. There is huge number of cases in which young Muslims were falsely framed as terrorists or their accomplices. Congress boasts as a secular party. But history shows that under the rule of the Congress the country witnessed more communal riots than under the government of any other party.

On 22nd February 1949 midnight when idols were placed inside the Babri Masjid Congress was in power in centre and also in Uttar Pradesh. in 1986, when gates of the mosque were unlocked and puja was performed by the Hindu zealots, Congress headed the central as well as the local state governments. Yet again, it was the Congress party at the helm in Delhi when the Babri Masjid was demolished. Muslims were hurt again when they were asked to remain calm before the delivery of Babri Masjid judgment. We saw how joyous non-Muslims were at liberty to celebrate the ‘victory’ after the judgment came through. Congress often refutes to help Muslims improve their standard of living. The Congress did not throw its weight behind Digvijay Singh nor tried to rescue him from the verbal attacks from opposition parties, when he tried to raise questions about Hemant Karkare's unfortunate death in suspicious condition. Mr Singh also did not get enough support from his party when he hinted that some Hinduist groups had been involved in terror attacks against Muslims and many terror attacks which were being blamed on Muslims could have been engineered by the Hinduists.

Hence, with Congress as a dishonest party, Trinamool as an opportunist, and a strong anti incumbency wave sweeping against the Leftist coalition, minority Muslims have got caught in a real dilemma over which party they would vote for this time.