Thursday, September 16, 2010

Is this how we treat our Martyrs and their families ?

The country is debating, should government engage Naxals for table talks or counter them with military measures.But then none is talking about the plights of our Central Para Military Forces be it CRPF,BSF & rest. which are basically the first line of defence in counter insurgency related matter be it terrorism,maoist threats or other law and order affairs.

These not so well trained forces are send into the batte field somewhat “as bait”, for the terrorists or naxals and other insurgency areas.Once hurt during action the primary aim of the department is to board the injured soldier out of the scene at their earliest. Unfortunately the rehabilitation package of a para military personnel is nutshell in comparasion to an army soldier in a similar situations.

one would be surprised to know that there is no housing schemes,no subsidised ration and even the medical facilities are restricted and conditional.hence one can very well understand that if a bread earner of a family is hurt or disabled in the line of duty the matter becomes difficult for his survival too.The injured soldier are not provided any support even by the state defence service welfare board,neither they are eligible for employment under ex servicemen category as those too are restricted and reserved for army,navy and air force.

Its worrisome that ex paramilitary men have to fight long court battles even to get their benefits released under Seema Prahari Bima Yojana. Its a pity that thousands of cases pertaining to primary rights violations of soldiers are pending before differents courts in India this how we treat our MARTYRs and their family ?

Its high time the government realise these brave men’s worth and ammend respective laws for better training and rehabilitation of these forces,and on priority it should accomodate these disabled personnels in the organisation( their forces) with some desk jobs.

Hats off to their bravery & courage…