Wednesday, December 2, 2020

It's a ploy, a strategy to make Owaisi look politically taller than Mamata !

The presence of big politicians in hyderabad seeking votes in Municipality elections is not without a reason. It's a strategy somewhat like "looking London talking Tokyo" , something, they think shall consolidate saffron party's vote share in Bengal elections ! It's a ploy, a strategy to make Owaisi look politically taller than Mamata & real representative, a Messiah of the Muslims! Every verbal attack on Owaisi is expected to make him look like a real, honest & caring leader of the community thus confusing a section of the community to vote for AIMIM candidates instead of TMC in bengal making it easier for them to further divide Bengalis as Hindus & Muslims making it somewhat less hectic to defeat Mamata Banerjee ! So do not get carried away by a politician who is unwilling to diversify in his home state beyond state's capital; but is trying to represent his community in Maharashtra, Bihar & Bengal ! Be wise ....

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

राजनितिक मामलो के जानकार अजीज-ए-मुबारकी ने कहा.... पुराना नारा पुराना होने से पहले नया नारा आ जाता है !

राजनितिक मामलो के जानकार अजीज-ए-मुबारकी ने कहा कहते हैं जल्दी ही हम और हमारा देश आत्मानिर्भर बन जाएँगे , कोई बताए पेट्रोल रिफ़ाइनरी से पम्प तक , बैंक, रेल, इन्शुरन्स , हवाई अड्डा यहाँ तक के रेल्वे स्टेशन और airport तक को बेच दिया गया है या उसकी तैयारी है , पूरा भारत ही २ या ३ पूँजी पतियों पर निर्भर होता जा रहा है ऐसे में ये कहना के आत्मानिर्भर हो रहा है भारत , एक भद्धा मज़ाक़ से ज़्यादा कुछ नही ..... देश जैसे जैसे आगे बढ़ रहा है उसी तरह नारे भी नए नए आ रहे हैं , पहले काला धन आना था , फिर 15 लाख आने थे,फिर समय आया मेक इन इंडिया , स्किल इंडिया , स्टैंड उप इंडिया का , फिर बेटी को पढ़ने की बात हुई , बुलिट ट्रेन चलाने की बात हुई , अच्छेदिन भी लाने की बात हुई अब आया है “आत्मनिर्भर “; कुछ हो या ना हो कम से काम ये सरकार नारे बनाने में आत्मनिर्भर दिख रही है ; पुराना नारा पुराना होने से पहले नया नारा आ जाता है .... अब झारखंड को ही देखिए , पिछली सरकार २०१५ जब आयी तो ऐसा लग रहा था के आज तक जितनी भी सरकारें झारखंड में आयी वो सारी की सारी नाकारा थी , कमजोर थी और अपना काम करने में विफल थी मगर रघुवर दास बाबू की सरकार , डबल एंजिन की सरकार , पूर्ण बहुमत की सरकार ना के सिर्फ़ अपना कार्यकाल पूरा करेगी बल्के ऐसा लगता था के शायद अब म्यूनिसिपैलिटी के नल्को से पानी की जगह दूध आएगा ? मगर दूध तो दूध ठीक से पानी भी नसीब नही हुआ लोगों को , अंगीनत मासूम मॉब लिंचिंग का शिकार हुए , कुछ ‘ भाथ ‘ कहते कहते भगवान को प्यारे हो गए . आदिवासी बच्चों की फ़ीस बड़ा दी गयी और मिलने वाली स्टाइपंड घटा दी गयी .... अब हेमंत सोरेन की सरकार है , वादे तो इन्होंने भी काफ़ी किए हैं अब देखना ये है अब के वादे पूरे करने की कसौटी पर यह कितना उतरते है.... हमारे पड़ोसी राज्य बिहार में इलेक्शन की धूम मची है और नेयताओं का सीना पीटना शुरू हो गया है, सब भोजपुरी बोलने लगे हैं , मगर ये ख़याल किसी नेता को नही आ रहा के ये वही बिहारी हैं जो दिल्ली से पैदल ,भूके प्यासे, नंगे पैर , तपती धूप में अपने घर के लिए चल दिए थे , ये वही बिहारी है जो हर साल बाढ़ की मार झेलते हैं । नेताओं को बिहारियों का वोट तो प्यारा है मगर बिहारी नही , वरना क्या कारण है के जो काम सरकारों को करना था वो सोनू सूद कर रहे थे ? राजनैतिक दालों को मालूम हो या ना हो मगर हर बिहारी को मालूम है के सुशांत सिंह की मौत दुःख की बात है मगर राजनैतिक मुद्दा नही .... जिस तरह मोदी जी को जनता बोहोत प्यार करती है उसी तरह नीतीश जी को भी बोहोत प्यार करती है , मगर इन नयी परिस्थिति में ये प्यार कितना बना रहता है अब आगे देखना है आसान भाषा में कहें तो देखना है ये ऊँट किस करवट बैठता है ....

Monday, August 17, 2020

Congress has lost not only its glory but the reason to exist !

After their unpleasant or repulsive defeat Congress did an internal survey with AK Antony Committee, which was set to look into the reasons of the party's defeat in 2014, and the alleged finding are that the Congress was increasingly being viewed as a pro-Muslim and anti-Hindu party., and this was a primary reason for a spate of electoral reverses; the findings further suggests INC to rethink & re-strategise the policies at earliest ! But i guess findings of the above committee was nothing more than an eye wash , to an extend to disown than to accept real reason behind decayed support base . The practical reason are far more harsher to be documented, it never speaks of why Sharad Pawar, Mamata or even Yeduguri Sandinti Jaganmohan Reddy had to quit or how-come they successfully launched their own political outfit and govern their states ? Why prominent leaders like Pranab Mukherjee , Digvijaya Singh , Ahmed Patel or even Anthony himself failed to save INC or revive it in their home states ? Report blatantly ignored the under lying reason for legislators switchover in gujarat, Assam,Arunachal ,Madhya pradesh and same may be the fate in Jharkhand soon, Anthony's Committee failed to address the real reasons , it overlooked to record that Ashoke Gehlot vs Sachin Pilot in Rajasthan or Kamal Nath vs Scindia scion is result of the fight for political supremacy & control of individuals over camps,party and government ! And coming coming back to their fondness for muslims , I can remind Hashimpur massacre of April 1987 where a PAC platoon rounded up Muslims in the Hashimpur mohalla in Meerut, arrested & allegedly took about 50 from the community in a truck to the Upper Ganga canal in Murad Nagar, Ghaziabad district instead of taking them to the police station and shot them one by one, and threw into the canal. And it happened under Congress Government led by Vir Bahadur Singh instead of any action on him , he was made the Union Minister for Communication by none other than Rajiv Gandhi the very next year 1988 . Another example of Congress’s love for the muslims comes from the Bhagalpur where riots started on 24 October 1989, but continued for 2 months. It affected the Bhagalpur city and 250 villages around it. Over 1,000 people (around 900 of which were Muslims), were killed, and another 50,000 were displaced.It was recorded as the worst Communal riot in independent India before Godhra happened . it is alleged that the then Police Superintendent was fanning anti-Muslim sentiments & was asked by the then Bihar Chief Minister Satyendra Narayan Sinha to hand over the charge to Ajit Datt on the same day. But, on a tour of the riot-affected area, the then Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi overruled the transfer ! There have been approximately 60 major communal riots since 1961. And Unsurprisingly majority of them were in Congress rules states. But none of INC Chief Minister has been demonised the way BJPs Modi was . What happened in 1984 was a beginning where a particular political party’s members/cadres led mobs in attacks on the Sikh community in alleged retaliation for the assassination of Indira Gandhi. It is imperative to state that 1984 does not fall in the category of communal riots as it was not between communities, it was a direct attack by cadres of a political party on one community. Although 2002 was more lethal as it was an improvised & technically sound attack but even then blaming only BJP and not Congress will undermining the atrocious capabilities of the grand old party. Congress, though ideologically secular, has always followed quite dubious policies and has never made any serious attempt to check communal violence in the state ruled by them . Tall claims of providing secular governance of the Congress lie shattered as looking at history, Congress doesn't fare any better than the BJP in preventing communal riots. And now when everybody who is somebody in the congress is trying to claim the hard work they put in for the cause of Ram Lalla only exposes them further making them look like an ideologically confused party ! Hope they find the real reason why Congress was formed and survived 150 years & on the verge of doom now !

Saturday, June 27, 2020

Millions are left devastated & marooned every year but still no plan in place to check FLOODS !

We hear about floods in bihar every year, the successive governments have spend millions to prevent it atleast on paper , but where are the results ?
Millions are left devastated & marooned but still no plan in place to check FLOODS from being an annual catastrophe .

Bihar is India's most flood-prone state, with 76% population in the Northern Bihar are living under the recurring threat of flood devastation while the government has built over 3000 km of embankments in Bihar over the last few decades, but the flooding propensity has increased by 2.5 times during the same time period, not to mention that embankments failed during each major flooding event !

Bihar introduced its first flood policy in 1954 , the state then had approximately 160 km of embankments and the flood-prone area in the state was estimated to be 2.5 million hectares. And surprisingly upon the completion of the embankments of about 3,465 km the amount of flood-prone land increased to 6.89 million hectares in 2004 which is evident enough that we are moving in the wrong direction !

There is not any one or a particular reason for the flood that has became an annual affair in the lives of millions of biharis, deforestation, excessive silting, banana trees at the banks of Ganges ,even farakka barrage looks like a contributor apart from the “scape goat” reason that Nepal allows the water flows into the major drainages of Narayani, Bagmati, and Koshi rivers, inflating them that leads to flood , but whats the solution to this disaster every year .

Maybe technically wrong but former PM Atal Bihari Vajpayee was sensitive to the issue hence suggested & professed the idea to connect rivers ending this problem for ever; but sadly even his party is not keen on giving it a thought leave aside his political opponents !

Friday, May 29, 2020

कोरोना का क़हर जिस तरह अमरीका , रशिया , इटली या फ़्रान्स या फिर Europe के दूसरे देशों में देखने को मिला वैसा क़हर इस देश में नही , mortality rate भी काफ़ी बेहतर है और आगे भी रहगा ये मैं पूरे यक़ीन के साथ कह सकता हूँ !
मैं डॉक्टर नही मगर ये ज़रूर जानता हूँ के इस देश में आधे से ज़्यादा लोग गंदा पानी , unhygenic खाना खा कर ज़िंदा हैं , एक छोटा सा उदाहरण दे कर अगर समझाया जाए तो ऐसा समझिए के हर साल हज़ारों को डेंगू होता है , मेरे मोहल्ले में भी होता है , मगर विश्वास करिए आज तक कोई नही मरा मेरे इलाक़े से ; लेकिन यश चोपड़ा बेचारे डेंगू की भेंट छड़ गए !
यानी ये बीमारी उनके लिए ज़्यादा ख़तरनाक साबित होती है जिनको ऐसी चीज़ों की आदत नही !
इस देश में किसी भी रेल्वे स्टेशन पर आप को लोग नलके से पीने का पानी भरते दिख जाएँगे , रेल में दिए भोजन से कई बार cockroach और lizard निकली है , कोई मरा ? अरे भैया रेल्वे स्टेशन पर जब ₹ १० रुपय का “जनता आहार” को खा कर कोई नही मरा तो विश्वास कीजिए कोरोना से तो मारेगा ही नही ...
अब सोचिए अमेरिका के राष्ट्रपति जब भारत आए तो अपने पीने का पानी भी साथ लाए थे ; मगर हम बिंदास muncipality के नलको का पानी पी रहे हैं , कुछ हुआ ?
90 % से जयदा लोग जिनको कोरोना हो रहा है वो बिना किसी दवा और इलाज के ठीक हो जा रहे हैं , कैसे ? क्यूँ के हमको आदत है , कोरोना से ज़्यादा बर्बादी तो सांप्रदायिक दंगे में होती है इस देश में ....
इस कोरोना का नही सांप्रदायिकता का इलाज ढूँढिए देश का भला होगा !

Friday, April 3, 2020

Markaz or no Markaz venomous tv debates are very much like this for long , their agenda to accuse, abuse & tarnish the image of the community is being persued since lynching days, where they accused the lynched & made heroes out of communal lunatics !

The disgraceful media has maintained silence on other gatherings , processions, in house proceedings, marriage parties attended by big wigs even swearing in ceremonies !

But that does not obliterate the Markazi Jamaatiz of their foolish, stupid , irresponsible & negligent act ; most of the jamatiz are educated people & #Corona related news were everywhere no matter which newspaper they read or tv they watch !

Pleading ignorance or disowning responsibility is futile , they did commit a blunder and made themselves look like stupids by speaking about government directives !

The point is "government directives or no directive", they should have postponed all programmes from February onwards as a large number of their attendee are either foreigners or delegates from different states . And Corona had engulfed China, entire Europe and many asian countries by early february or so , they could have rescheduled their programmes till this was contained !

Although I don't see it as some deliberate , planned or conspiracious event with some anti national agenda to achieve as being projected by a section of media .

The organizers are responsible and all legal proceedings should be initiated against them as initiated in other such cases of crowds, proceedings , marriages, parties and processions post directives !

Monday, March 18, 2019

These incidents are not secluded or stray ones but hate motivated crimes committed with a purpose !

In a shocking incident, a 22-year-old man was beaten to death by a group of molesters who had passed lewd comments on his sister when she was returning home after her class in a remote village called Kudwa,Haidernagar police area, Palamu, Jharkhand.

In the incident, Vakil Khan lost his life, while 20 year-old Danish Khan is said to be very serious. Although police has arrested one man but then not much is expected in cases where minorities are lynched,murdered or killed .

In an earlier incident in March 2016, in another soul wrenching incident, two man, Imtiyaz Khan and Mazrum Ansari were beaten up and then hanged from a tree by a mob of so-called cow vigilantes in Khaprelwar village of Latehar district, some arrests were made but nothing concrete happened as the local politicians not only supported the killers but garlanded them when the accused we're out on bail !

Even in neighbouring state of Bihar ruled by the same political party as in Jharkhand, A Durga Puja procession was denied entry through a Muslim-dominated area in Bihar’s Sitamarhi last October (2018). On being denied entry, procession turned violent and further 80-year-old Zainul Ansari, who was returning from his daughter’s house, was beaten and burnt alive.
So it can be said these incidents are not secluded or stray ones but hate motivated crimes perfectly planned and brilliantly executed committed with a sole intend of instilling fear amongst Muslims and force them further into ghettoisation.